Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Not the Kings as a whole, just the goaltending. Pathetic is the only way to describe Dan Cloutier. He is a steaming pile of pooh. There was so much steam coming from that net last night, I could barely see the play. Not that I was missing much.
Except for a few defensive breakdowns, which is to be expected, he can be blamed for almost all of those 5 goals. Sad, really. The first goal was scored from the NEUTRAL ZONE! No one ever scores from behind the frickin' blue line! But no, he managed to let that one in. And then a second one a few minutes later.
I want to know what Crawford was thinking putting this guy in goal when Barry Brust should have had the start.
And to listen to the post game interview with this pile of pooh, he keeps making comments like "we made mistakes", "we didn't follow through" etc. Sorry, honey, YOU are the one who is making mistakes. YOU are the one who isn't following through.

The fat guy in section 107 could play better!!! Seriously!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Updating my profile....

I was recently brought to my attention that I need to update my profile. The children comment no longer stands.
As of next July, I will be a parent.
But will the traveling stop?

I plan on showing my kids the world. If I have to sell my blood to do it, I will. My grandparents made sure I was educated in travel and so will my kids.
So, She Travels will be traveling a little less, but still traveling.
Well, as soon as the kid knows who Mickey Mouse is, its off to Disneyworld.
And in 2009 when Luc Robitaille is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, you'll find the family in Toronto cheering him on. ***Those who know me, know that if I have a boy, he'll be the Kings first round draft pick in 2025. :) *** The kid already has his first King jersey.
New York - we'll be in New York at least once a year.
So many places to take the kids........

Monday, December 11, 2006

What everyone's been waiting for.....

I'm pregnant. Due the end of next July. Totally unexpected. We'd given up until Spring 07 and then this! Who knew!

Bryan's excited and nervous.

And anyone who knows me, knows this kid will be a Kings fan. He'll be in the stands with the rest of us next season crying with us. I'm hoping for a boy, the Kings 2025 first round draft pick. :)

I had the first Ultrasound last Friday and found out I'm 6 1/2 weeks along. Not far at all. And the baby is the size of a cashew.


Christmas Parade.

This was the reason I went. I don't remember seeing this before so this was the reason I made my husband deal with the parking and take the day off to do this. Anyone who has ever been to Disneyland knows you used to park in the huge parking lot and walk up to the front gates. Because Disney sullied the name of the NHL by creating " The Mighty Ducks" hockey team, I've avoided them. I won't give them my money. But I broke down and went. The parking has changed. In place of the parking lot, they've erected the excuse for a park, California Adventure. Now, you park in a structure and are shuttled to Downtown Disney and then walk to the front of the park. Why they've made this so difficult, I'll never know. But I've seen the park now and can die in peace. I won't be going back anytime soon.

I will say this, during the parade, there was some Florida locals there talking to another group from Canada that come down every year to celebrate their kids birthdays. The Floridians had nothing good to say about the California location of Disney. It took all of my restraint not to say something to them. Now, I've been to both parks and yes, the Florida parks ARE better. However, I will say this. Walt Disney didn't have the land in California to do what he did in Florida so his original creation earns more of my respect than his later development. Also, whatever he couldn't accomplish in CA, he was able to in Florida. California is the rough draft, a wonderful rough draft and without that, Florida wouldn't be as good as it is. So a big tongue wagging to the people from Florida. If you don't like my park, leave. My castle may not have a restaurant and be three times smaller than the one in Florida, but its still better. Its original. Sorry about the vent. I know not everyone is like this, but she was so LOUD about it, it was annoying. And the poor Canadians kept saying that they liked this park. Their kids liked this park better and since it was their birthday present every year, this is why they made the trip.

They have their pride and I have mine.

Now, pictures......

Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion

are completely redone for the holidays. If you liked Nightmare Before Christmas, the movie, then you'll love the Haunted Mansion at Christmas. Jack Skelington as Sandy Claus has completely redone the Mansion. Pirates has been reconfigured slightly to include characters from the new movies like Captain Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones. The drops are a little bigger than before but the ride is still one of the best ones there. I was told no flash photography, but the people in front of me had their stupid camera phones out with flash, so I took out my camera too.

Disneyland at Christmas

Had to see it. Never been there during the Holidays before so I made Bryan go. He loved it - he'll just never admit it. :)

Some pictures from the day......

The whole place is decorated for the holidays. Every lamp post has a wreath on it.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

88 lines..

...about 44 women.

Sorry, just noticed that I've posted 88 times now and that song came to mind.
Wow, being unemployed really screws with your mind.

Yeah, so I'm unemployed. 5 years at one place and they screw you. I should have left when they gave us our notice. I should have known their empty promises would lead to heartache.
A new chapter in my life.
A new chapter.
I need to find a job.
At Christmas time.
Not going to happen, right?
Well, I'm going to see if it'll happen.
It needs to happen.
Severance runs out in 6 weeks.
Unemployment should kick in in about a week. I hate dealing with the government. I better get unemployment.

Time to let the dog out. He's acting funny which means he probably has to pee. He's pee'd on my pile of dirty clothes in the laundry room twice this week.