Monday, June 28, 2010

From techie girl to scrapper

Almost 4 years ago, I got my 90 day notice at Capital One Auto. I worked in the IT department. I made the decision there to make the switch from techie girl to creative girl.

I had thought about opening my own scrapbook store for a while and when an announcement went out on some message boards I belonged too saying that a local online store was for sale, I jumped at the chance.

Unfortunately, while trying to investigate and get paperwork together, I lost out. Two other women purchased the online store which left me at a crossroads.

I could either:

start my own store or look for a job.

And then I found out I was pregnant. Technically unemployed and pregnant doesn't look so hot on a resume.

So I jumped right in. I got my license and tax id. I did everything. I went from techie girl to business owner overnight. (And you know what? I'm so glad I got my own store because its mine. I started from scratch and built this place.)

I bought a shopping cart and hired a web designer.

I bought product and 'hired' a design team.

I was no longer techie girl. I pay Michelle for that! What a relief to be able to create instead of fix things.

So when I started getting reports of Norton saying my site was unsafe, I went into Techie Girl mode again. I pulled out the IT hat and went to work. Side by side with Michelle.

She's awesome by the way so if you ever need anything done.....

We finally pinpoint the problem with the help of Norton and now we need to fix it. Don't worry, the site itself is safe. Stupid Norton doesn't like Google Analytics.

So I had to reconfigure my Google Analytics and remove it from the Gallery page. In the process, poor Michelle learns there is a recent upgrade for the gallery software and she installs it for me.

What we didn't realize was that this upgrade would pretty much erase any setting I had in place before.

The new software is amazing though. SO much easier to configure - if you can find everything you need.

So, a week later and everything has been backed up, restored, cleaned and configured. But we're still working on the configure part.

Techie Girl needs a refresher course!

I feel like one of my end users calling in with a problem. I feel like I know nothing. So Michelle and I are working together at night to resolve the issues with the new gallery.

Banned users, images not showing up and other small issues.

So for a while, I'm Techie Girl again.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Are you a winner?

You need to check out this post to see if you are. I still have 2 unclaimed Stash Cash Certificates from the Blog Hop.


Listening my scrappy playlist on iTunes

Eating a homemade egg mc muffiin from the clean eating menu.

Drinking OJ. The one day a week I let myself drink it.

Wearing My pug pajamas.

Reading New York by Edward Rutherford

Feeling rushed. I have a meeting at 10 and I'm procrastinating. Should be working on updating spreadsheets, not my blog.

Wanting to crawl back into bed. June gloom is in full effect here and it makes me want to scrap or sleep all day.

Needing about 3 more hours in a day. Don't all mothers?

Thinking about crossing a few things off my To Do list

Enjoying the fact that I have 8 more hours to get everything done before I pick Nick up at school for the weekend.

Wondering if I'll be able to get everything finished for Fathers Day BEFORE Fathers Day.

Scrapping with some new papers

Friday, June 11, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner....

And the winners ARE.....
#11 Scrappy Gifts said...

Fun Blog Hop! Love everyone's creations.
diva2129 at yahoo dot com

#15 Erika M. said...

Cool - I adore blog hops!

#28 Melanie said...

I would love to win!!!

Send an email to admin (at) yourscrapbookstash (dot) com to claim your Stash Cash!

One more idea from the Echo Park papers. I love this line. Look for more from me using this. Right now, I love this line and the October Afternoon Fly A Kite line.

I made a quick Summer banner for my sons class at school. I'm always doing crafty things for them. I use my Slice all the time to make little activities for them. Nothing special but 2 and 3 year olds love it so the teachers love it.

The Summer banner:

That cute center of the sun sticker is Martha Stewart Micro Beads. I'm in love with these thanks to this girl.

Trash to Treasure.... Eww to New....

Whatever you want to call it. I went trash digging this week. Well, not really. It was in our recycle bin. And this idea is definitely not new but its been on my To Do list for a while!

I pulled out the package for the Ghiradelli Chocolate squares. (Love these!)

I needed a cute wrapping idea for a Birthday Gift this month and I used it as a template.

First, I carefully pulled it apart. Its going to rip and have some sticky parts so just be careful in the next step.

Next, flatten it out the best you can. It won't be perfect but it doesn't need to be. This package is slightly larger than the 12x12 paper. Its about 10x12.5 when its flattened out. Don't worry. When you are ready to glue it, that extra 1/2 inch won't matter!

Lay it down over your paper and trace around it loosely. Again, don't worry about being perfect. You're going to fold it up.

Once its traced, cut it with your trimmer. Use a scoring knife or a craft knife to score and cut the folds marked on the bag.

You can then fold it up the same way as the original bag using that as inspiration.

Glue the tabs on the bottom and the one tab on the side and decorate! I'll be adding a special tag later and attaching it using the Bakers Twine. You can also use ribbon to tie it shut. The umbrella is a sticker from the Echo Park paper line, Sweet Summertime and so is the paper I made the bag from.
Try this with some packaging you have laying around.

Don't forget you can leave a comment on the post below for a chance to win one of 3 Gift Certificates this week. I'll be drawing three winners tomorrow (Saturday). Then visit the rest of the Design Teams Blogs to post a comment there. You have 21 total chances to win!






Lady Grace

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Welcome to the Stash Dash

Or Blog Hop if you want to call it that!

This week long visit to our blogs is a way to thank the current Design Team for their amazing work for the past 6 months.

In case you didn't know, we're looking for the next 6 Stash Girls. You can read more about that HERE and HERE.

Each one of us is giving away 3 - $10 Gift Certificates to the store. Stash Cash.

To win, leave a comment on this post. I will draw three winners on Saturday 6/12/10.

If you visit each of the blogs this week and leave a comment, you have 21 chances to win!

Stop by the other girls blogs to see what they have planned for the week!

April (Since April does not have her own blog, she is using the Stash Blog)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More Hipstamatic

Feeding the ducks at a local pond this time. I'm getting better at composing and picking the lens/film combo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Spring hit and we decided it was time to teach Nick how to raise a little veggie garden.

He planted cucumbers, watermelons, peppers and zucchinis. He has to water them every day and sometimes we over water them. But thats okay!

Things are starting to pop up!