So last year, I went all out for Mr. N's 5th birthday. Because you only turn 5 once right? With the Kings winning the Stanley Cup and him being the budding hockey star, I ordered up the Kings Mascot. Everyone had a blast. You can see the recap here.
So when he asked for another skating party this year WITH a Wreck it Ralph theme I was stumped. How the heck do you pull off Wreck it Ralph in a skating rink? Especially when the party was IN a locker room. The walls were gross. I don't have much to work with in the setup either. I turned to Pinterest to see what I could do to make a party for little to no money but to cover up those nasty walls!
This is what I ended up with.
I ordered a party set from
Birthday Express. Then I matched everything to the set. It was mostly the red, brown and aqua. Bowls were 99 cents at party city and then I raided the
local candy shop.
I must have watched the move 87 times while making lists of the candy from the movie. I had quite the list!
I had a bowl of party colored M&M's.
And party colored Jelly Bellys. (Thanks goodness for timely Groupons and Money Mailer specials!)
I mixed the Sugar Rush theme in as much as I could but kept it geared towards a boy. I found these rolls of checkered flag plastic and brick(see below) to cover tables and walls with.
This was eventually the food table. I ordered pizza and salad from the local pizza shop and then had fruit and veggie trays out.
The cake. What can I say. I saved money where I could with the other decorations and 'stuff' because I had this awesome cake in mind. I found Ralph figurines at the Disney store and had them build the cake around it. I based it off a cake I found on Pinterest. Here's my party
planning board in case you're into stuff like that.
More views of the cake.
I got a little crafty here. Those are rice crispy treats with black frosting and red M&M's. Vintage Nintendo controllers!! I didn't think anyone would eat them but they were all gone by the end of the party.
I'm lucky to work at
Fedex Office so I had my team design, print and mount these signs for me. I purchased the Pac Man font. I thought it was a cute, cheap way to cover up the plain old door.
The rink is cool with you bringing your own decorations but they have their own the normally hang up. They pulled out their box and I picked out which ones worked. The 'balls' were the perfect touch.
My other sign. This was the drink table. If you've seen the movie, you know what this is about. I did my best to find the Cheer's Bar font or something similar but I got tired of striking out no matter where I looked so I ended up with this and a little Word Art action in Word.
That my grandpa, my husband, his mom and N.
And the party! The kids all love Ralph so it was a cool theme.
And that is a Ralph in the middle of the table. My grandmother bought that for N as a side gift. It ended up being the perfect center piece. His fists are holding the balloons.
After filling them with pizza and cake, we sent them out onto the ice for skating. Nick had fun playing 'coach' and showing his friends how to skate. Next year, I'm taking the easy route and lettering him pick a couple of friends and going to Disneyland!