Monday, January 7, 2013


eating  Ju Ju Hearts
drinking  water
watching  Smallville Season 1
listening  the the sound of the fans drying out our drywall (had to replace our water heater this week)
loving  that I'm slowly getting strength back and can stay up past 8 pm
enjoying spending time in my scrapbook room again
wanting a full day to myself
needing  to clean this house
feeling tired but content
preparing  for a busy couple of weeks
thinking  about the upcoming, abbreviated hockey season
searching for a few more hours in the day
 a Halloween mini and a December Daily

Haven't done this for a while and its a great space holder for now.  I lost my crafty mojo in December and I've just now found it.  I've got a nice little pile of stuff to share and it feels good.


  1. Wow, sounds like you have been really sick! Glad to read you are finally feeling better. I'm sure a little scrapping would help, lol.

  2. So happy you are feeling better.
    I am still working on my Dec Daily, and I promised to do better with the procrastination...but slow and steady wins the race, right...or is that just another way to say procrastinate, lol.
    Looking forward to seeing your albums.
