I'm emerging from this difficult few months now. This past Saturday, we celebrated my son's 7th birthday. We had a small pool party at the local waterpark - our favorite spot on the one day we all get to be together each week. We typically get there right when it opens at 9 am and stay til 2-3pm. I pack a lunch and snacks and we camp out. His party was the last 'big' thing I had to do which means the next 6 weeks are pretty carefree and I am looking forward to that.
Some pictures from the party....
Party favors. I filled mini buckets from Party City with Shark tooth candy necklaces, sunglasses, gummy sharks and other treats.
The food table. We used larger buckets to hold chips and snacks. We had surfboard shaped sandwiches (which I forgot to take pictures of....)
Buckets of snack like pretzel rods and fish crackers. I found the ideas on Pinterest to name the food after things like the pretzel rods were 'driftwood'. Of course, I forgot to bring the labels with me. I had a cute set I purchased off Etsy and barely used it. Time got the best of me.
Our waterpark. We love this place. We spend every Sunday here.
And this is why we love it so much. The big bucket that spills water.
My 7 year old. Its crazy to think he's 7.
He was in the water already when his friends showed up. They jumped right in and had a blast!
Even Grandma got in on the action!
Lunch time.
Shark jello. This was a big hit.
He was mad because I wouldn't let the boys shoot each other in the face with water guns.
Goggle face...
They had 10 minute safety breaks every hour to make sure all kids are accounted. We quickly fed them lunch during the safety break so that they could head back out. The whistle blew to announce the safety break was over and they all tried to escape.
After the pool party, we headed back to our house for the family party. My Grandmother has a tradition of birthday spanks. One for each year. This was the first year he let her spank him.
Sadly, it was so humid yesterday the frosting melted right off the cupcakes. I threw a candle on one and we sang really fast.
After the party, he got to get the BIG Lego set out to build. He'd been dying to do this all day but the house was crazy.
His real birthday is tomorrow and I have my sentimental post all set up.
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