Wednesday, November 28, 2012

He's back!

*** Don't forget to leave a comment on the previous post for a chance to win one of three prizes.***

Ziggy.  Our Elf, is back.

 He showed up the day after Thanksgiving with a new train.  The Thomas Holiday train.  Nick is convinced Santa and Ziggy listen because he has been asking for this train ALL year.
 Saturday, Ziggy brought back two new ornaments for the tree.  A Thomas one and a Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Sadly, someone was so excited he touched Ziggy.  Our poor Elf lost his magic and it took him a couple of days to recover but he's back to his old elf self.

I snuck in a little scrapbooking over the busy holiday weekend.

But mostly we were decorating.


  1. Ziggy is very cute, hope he is feeling better soon :)

  2. I'm glad Ziggy recovered. He's going to need all of his strength to get through the coming weeks. :)

  3. Great layouts and I love your elf stories. Great idea about the kids not touching him.

  4. Very cute layout! I really like the design and how you varied the lengths on the arrow strips.

  5. your elf looks so cute in bed! i am sure nick is looking after him very well

  6. Not sure who has more fun with that Elf on the Shelf, parents or the children :)
    I can see it so much fun to stage him :)
