Thursday, December 6, 2012

Crazy Elf

I'm not sure who gets in more trouble in this house - Ziggy or Nick.

 See that face?  He's plotting.
 We found him playing daddy's guitar one morning.  Thats a big no-no in this house.
 On December 1st, he brought us an Advent Calendar.
 He even ate the chocolate out of Day 1!
 He made popcorn and watched the movie Elf.
 Snuck into Nicks underwear drawer and hung them from the sock hooks over the fireplace.
 Made a candy cane rope and rappelled down the tree.

 All of Ziggys adventures are being recorded and will be part of the December Daily book.  It will mostly be Ziggy's adventure with a little bit of our family traditions mixed in as the month goes.
 Its a Simple Stories Sn@p album.  I'm using the Studio Calico DD kit as well as bits and pieces I've pulled from all over.  You can see most of them in this post.
I love that year flair on the cover.


  1. love the cover of your DD and the giant snowflake!!!

  2. Looks like Ziggy is having quite the adventure! Love the album cover. :)

  3. Okay, the underwear had me howling with laughter. Mischievous little devil. Your album cover is gorgeous!

  4. This so cute. I sent your post off to my sister for her to use on her girls, too cute Laura.

  5. Looks like he's having fun...cute album cover!

  6. What a fun DD cover with that snowflake!

  7. That's all just adorable and love the album cover!
