Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where I find inspiration

I'm an internet junkie.  I've always been addicted to computers even way back in 1984 when I took my first class at age 6.  My school sent a teacher up to the Apple headquarters for training and she brought back 6 Apple IIe computers to teach the kids on.

I. Was. Hooked.

And now, all these years later, I'm still hooked.

I'm on Pinterest.

I blog. (Obviously).

I love Facebook.

I love message boards.
          Studio Calico
          2 Peas

I also love to troll the internet for ideas.  So where do I turn too?

          Studio Calico
          Paper Issues
          Sketch Support

I have other blogs I frequent.  When I find someone who is consistent on posting items that I love, I follow them.  I put their blog in my reader and whenever they update, it shows up there.  I can visit daily to see who's updated and visit their blogs.  I also have people I know I love but they don't update as often - I keep a list of bookmarks so I can easily visit their sites.  I keep my list handy on my blog so when I travel, I can easily click the links to check up on people.  I take my iPad everywhere so I can browse while I'm in line at the bank, post office, waiting for my son to get out of school, on long car trips.......

All of my lists are over on the sidebar of my blog in case you want to check them out for yourself.


  1. i don't know what we ever did w/o the internet - LOL!

  2. I love surfing the web for inspiration as well!!

  3. Oh and the punch from my friendship card is the EK Success linked circle chain punch :)

  4. Wow, you do love the computer :)
    I am addicted (as my family tells me).
    I am going to have to show them this post, maybe then they will give me some slack, lol.
